Our friend Dwayne Burgess recently took on another fun looking overnighter into the Catskills via a train connection out of New York City. We love these kinds of trips. Find a video Dwayne made along the way and details about his route here…
Video and route by Dwayne Burgess (@Manual_Pedal)
You may have seen Dwayne’s excellent “Escape NYC” video we posted a while back (find it in the related posts grid). And if so, you’ll notice a theme: Dwayne likes to tackle overnight trips right out of his home in New York City, usually involving a train ride and then a pedal to a remote location. We love these types of trips as they show that bikepacking getaways are possible from just about anywhere. Watch it below, then scroll down for a map of the route.
For Dwayne’s latest adventure, he rolled out of NYC with a riding buddy and headed to Poughkeepsie by train, then rode into the Catskill Mountains to a beautiful campsite in full fall foliage. Here’s the route:
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