Looking for a gift for a riding buddy or loved one this season? Limited back issues of The Bikepacking Journal are now available! They’re perfect for completing a collection and sharing inspiring stories. Find all the details here…

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve gathered and organized all remaining back issues of The Bikepacking Journal from our distribution centers, and they’re now available for purchase. Some issues sold out when we announced this sale to our members last week, but limited copies of issues 04 to 11 are still for sale. Here’s your chance to grab a unique gift for that special someone or pick a copy up for yourself to enjoy this winter. Find a link and details below.

  • Bikepacking Journal Back Issue Sale
  • Bikepacking Journal Back Issue Sale
  • Bikepacking Journal Back Issue Sale
  • Bikepacking Journal Back Issue Sale
  • Bikepacking Journal Back Issue Sale

IMPORTANT: We have limited quantities available at our warehouses in Germany and the United States, please so make sure you pick the right product; we can’t make changes to your order once processed. Note that members get 30 percent off the listed price by using a discount code that can be found on the Benefits page in the member account area. If you’re not yet a member, you can also take advantage of this offer by joining here.

Find all the available back issues for sale in our web shop.



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