Following the Black Soldiers who Biked Across America (Video)

In an excellent video feature from VICE News, journalist Dexter Thomas joins bikepacker Erick Cedeño as he retraces the Buffalo Soldiers’ historic journey from Fort Missoula to St. Louis on the expedition’s 125th anniversary. Watch it here…

If you’ve been into bikepacking and adventure cycling long enough, you’ve likely seen photos and heard about the Buffalo Soldiers’ legendary bicycle journey from Missoula, Montana, to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1897. This summer, bikepacking historian Erick Cedeño retraced this trip, and VICE News’ Dexter Thomas joined Erick for a couple of days to discuss—and rethink—this story and the expedition’s place in American history.

“To travel on mud, on a single speed, and then have to deal with racism. That is a hard thing to do.”

  • Erick Cedeño Vice Video, Buffalo Soldiers
  • Erick Cedeño Vice Video, Buffalo Soldiers
Erick Cedeño Vice Video, Buffalo Soldiers
  • Erick Cedeño Vice Video, Buffalo Soldiers
  • Erick Cedeño Vice Video, Buffalo Soldiers

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