The Cold Vein
“The call of the mountain is even stronger during winter, when the snow breaks the tree-tops and the cold weather freezes the bones.” The Cold Vein is a short film about a winter bikepacking adventure filmed by the duo called Montanus, The Wild Side.
PUBLISHED Nov 6, 2015
During this time, when most people put their bike to rest, an adventure between two Italian buddies began. They aimed to search for the COLD VEIN, that vein which come back to pulsate in the winter wilderness. This was an experience that brought Giorgio and Francesco to find more than what they were searching for. A journey through their own limits, where what is important, is not the width of the tires but the extent of the horizons.
If you haven’t seen it, watch it. If you have, watch it again.
Self filmed with a Canon 500D (2009), a GoPro HERO4 and a “no brand” alluminum tripod.
Aerial filming by APR Italia. Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.
Music: Ark Life – “Some Unheroic Hill”
You can follow the adventures of Montanus on:
Facebook –
Instagram –
Vimeo –
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