“Alfie the Odd Job Boy” is a surprisingly stirring and endearing documentary about an 18-year-old in a small English town who’s determined to chart his own path to success. Riding a tandem with a trailer in tow, he takes on all kinds of work and proves to be a precious resource for people across his community. Watch it here…

Photos and film by Aaron Dunleavy (@aarondunleavy)

It may only be tangentially related to bikepacking as we know it, but Alfie the Odd Job Boy is easily one of the most unexpectedly charming documentaries I’ve seen in ages. Released in December, it follows 18-year-old underdog Alfie in the small town of Clitheroe, England, as he works to set up his own business with his tandem bike and trailer.

Struggling to hold down full-time employment and having left school without qualifications, Alfie seeks to chart his own path by providing nearly any service the people in his community need help with. When the local council tries to shut him down, he’s forced to get creative to make ends meet, and his true character shines through.

Note: This film contains some strong language.
“Whatever you need doing, I’m the man for you.”
  • Alfie the Odd Job Boy
  • Alfie the Odd Job Boy
  • Alfie the Odd Job Boy

At times moving and others hilarious, Alfie the Odd Job Boy is wonderfully shot and edited by director Aaron Dunleavy. It touches on themes of connection and resilience and will very likely surprise you. The film was originally created for BBC Three’s “Real Life” series back in 2018 and was revised and relaunched at the tail end of last year. You can watch the full 50-minute documentary above.

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