The East Texas Showdown is a self-supported race through Sam Houston National Forest and The Davy Crockett National Forest. First one back to the Bullet Grill House wins…
East Texas isn’t for everyone. Plainly stated, in a way that is culturally relevant, you will see alot of TRUMP COUNTRY signs, big trucks, and you might even get “Coal Rolled” (google it). I’ll tell ya, as a lifelong Texan I’ve only been Coal Rolled once, so really it’s a badge of honor more than anything.
Welcome to the East Texas Showdown. Racers will line up at the Bullet Cafe in Point Blank, TX and depart in a northern or southern direction (racers choice) and the first one back to the Bullet wins.
Texas is mostly privately owned with only about 3% being public land. This route takes you through two large swatches of public land, the Sam Houston National Forest and The Davy Crockett National Forest. Roads are all publicly maintained mostly County or Park roads that are either paved or gravel. There’s one section that may be hike a bike if it rains too much, but other than that, expect it to be 100% rideable.
The main route is 388 miles, 12,710 ft. elevation, 50% gravel, 50% pavement as it currently sits, but could change some before race day. There is also a shorter 290-mile SLOWdown route option for those looking to slow things down and pet all the friendly doggies.
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This race will follow the rules and ethos of other ultra endurance self supported races like the Tour Divide.
There will be an after party at the Bullet Cafe starting at 8pm on Sunday the 3rd.
More details are forthcoming, but go ahead and mark you calendars if you fancy a two wheeled showdown.