Across Andes is the first self sufficient bikepacking race to cross the longest mountain range in the world – 1,100km over 7 days from Chile to Argentina…
A true of bikepacking and gravel race, combined to tour the driest desert in the world, overcome the great mountains and discover forgotten cultures. Challenge yourself to conquer the highest mountain in the Andes between Chile and Argentina.
Get ready to participate in the first self-sufficiency race in Chile, crossing the Andes mountain range. Pass through two countries in 7 days, traveling 1,100 kilometers rich with history bragging 60% off road and 40% asphalt.
The route includes part of the Interlagos Network, within the beautiful National Parks, Conguillio, Huerquehue and Vicente Pérez Rosales. They will transport you to surrounding places for their great beauty and majesty. The ancient forests of Araucaria, 260 million years old, can measure up to 50 meters and can only be found in a small territory on both sides of the Andes, in southern Chile and Argentina, now you will be part of this landscape.
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The starting point will be Villarrica, ninth region of Chile, a city easily accessible from the Temuco airport. The challenge is to cross from Chile to Argentina in 7 days, from November 29 to December 5, in Bikepacking mode, on one of the most challenging routes at the end of the world, traveling 1,100 kilometers of history between the original villages, you will navigate mountains achieving more than 15,000 meters of accumulated ascent.
In this edition of Across Andes Araucanía Andina, you will find beautiful gravel roads, passing through: Villarrica National Park, Huerquehue National Reserve, Mamuil Malal Pass, crossing the mountain range to Argentine territory in Junin de los Andes, Villa Pehuenia, returning to Chile through the Icalma Pass and meet the Dead China Reserve, the historic Conguillío National Park and end the route through the Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve.
The land will be mixed with 60% pavement and 40% gravel. You can participate in Gravel bike or mountain bike (MTB), but the fastest will succeed. The recommended configuration is Gravel bicycle with 40c tire and Bikepacking equipment set.