The Arizona Trail Race is an unofficial self-supported bikepacking race with no entry fees, no prizes, and absolutely no support.
The Arizona Trail Race is an unofficial challenge that takes place every year on the cross-state Arizona Trail. Two distances are available. The Arizona Trail 300 is a 300-mile event that has been held every April since 2006. The Arizona Trail 800 is the complete traversal (Mexico->Utah) and was offered for the first time in 2010 as the AZTR750. Both events are run concurrently, starting on the same day, but in different locations and at different times.
This is not an organized or sanctioned event in any way. It’s simply a group of friends out to ride their bikes on the same route at the same time. We’ll probably compare times afterwards, but more importantly, we’ll compare experiences — the highs and lows the trail and mountains offered us.

For route photos and other details, check out the route posting here.