The Dirty Water Route is a 500km self-supported bikepacking race from the Ohio River to Lake Erie, put on by Ashland Bike Company. No fees, no prizes.
This is a FREE event with no prizes and no support. Just you against the route as quick as you want to ride. What you get by registering for this race is a route, a mass start, and the motivation to challenge yourself on a self-supported bicycling adventure. A gravel bike or lightweight mountain bike is highly recommended with the ability to carry water and supplies for up to 50 miles of riding on out-of-the-way backroads, gravel paths, and whatever else may find its way onto the course. The route has numerous big hills, gravel roads, and long lonely stretches of pavement. It should also prove to be a beautiful course that starts with the back tire in the Ohio River and ends with the front tire in Lake Erie.
Official Rules:
Any outside assistance besides what is publicly available via businesses along the way is prohibited and will result in disqualification from the official results.
Participants must carry their own supplies. Refilling water from streams along the way is not recommended. The route will pass through towns and it is advised that supplies are purchased along the way from these locations.
No Drafting. Participants may ride together side-by-side.
Participants must carry GPS devices and track their route along the way. Rides must be uploaded to Strava and shared with the race director on the event Facebook page.
Riders will text the race director at the number provided on the starting line when they finish by touching the lighthouse in Vermilion. In the event that they cannot continue, they shall text the director. NO SAG or OTHER ASSISTANCE will be provided.