The TransVirginia Bike Route is a 565-mile mostly-unpaved backcountry cycling route that traverses the state of Virginia from Washington, DC to Damascus, VA.
Ride high mountain ridges straddling the VA/WV border across long stretches of National Forest land, linking up VA’s best rail trails for a respite from the challenging climbing. The route is 61% unpaved and a mixture of gravel roads, fire roads, and quiet paved country roads.
The 2025 Grand Depart begins at 6:00 am on Saturday, May 17th, 2025. This mass start attracts both competitive racers and a social party pace contingent based on goals and interests. In addition to the challenging 565 mile / 47k’ “Mountain Route,” a milder 535-mile / 33k’ “Valley Route” and a 400-mile DC-Harrisonburg-DC loop offer options for simpler TransVA experiences.
Event details, Letter of Intent submission information, and Trackleaders registration is available on the Trans Virginia website at