What’s In The Kitchen? Our Current Bike Touring Cook Kit
A whittled down kitchen that is perfect for third world cooking and the ideal size and weight for a minimal setup…
PUBLISHED Mar 3, 2014
When vagabonding on two wheels, especially in the third world, it is interesting to uncover what splendid budget dishes can be prepared with the variety odd sundries available on the road. The typical requirements are that the meal is cheap, easy to carry and that one may find at least some of the bulkier ingredients while riding through a small village towards the end of the day. In Central America it was always some derivative of pasta with pouch sauce, a veg or two, and possibly some eggs thrown in for protein. In each country in southern Africa it has varied slightly, but is usually a rice curry dish or a tomato pasta dish. There are ripe tomatoes everywhere this time of year, so they are always a main ingredient. All of the dishes we prepare have one thing in common; they are all cooked with one pot (with a secondary vessel used for holding the cooked starch until the other portion is prepared). Of course there are other things that we prepare… desserts, salads, and a myriad of stews. But, again, 1 pot, 1 burner.
Our kit is simple, light and designed to be easy to carry in a pannierless setup. We had previously carried a Whisperlite and full mess kit with plates, forks, spoons, bowls, etc. Although this was slightly better suited for preparing more complex creations, it was a little too much. As I am finally pulling together a full pack list, I thought I’d share what’s in our kitchen:
The Fire
Trangia spirit burner
Vargo Titanium wood stove (used as pot stand and wind blocker for the Trangia)

Pots and Dishes
2L pot from GSI Pinnacle Backpacker kit
2 nested bowls from GSI Pinnacle Backpacker kit
Sealed bag from GSI Pinnacle Backpacker kit
Snow Peak Titanium Spork (Gin carries the second)
Snow Peak Titanium Mug (Gin carries the second)
Universal aluminum pot handle (from REI)
Random small stainless steel plate purchased just recently (not shown)

Carrying and Extras
Domke waxed-canvas accessory bag
Shard of chamois to wrap the Trangia
MSR coffee drip filter
MSR salt/pepper 2 sided container
Wash rag
Detergent in a plastic bag
Pocket knife (for cutting, lion defense or whatever)

Bikepacking Gear
Camping Gear
Bikepacking Food
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