Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

Just announced, the Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump comes in two sizes with a Presta push-on head, a clever locking system, and the ability to stash their multi tools and a new tubeless plugger with oversized plugs. We had the chance to test both the 40 and 85cc models prior to today’s release for this first look review…

Reflecting on the mad surge of stashable tools that happened a few years ago, I initially snubbed my nose at miniaturized, storage-optimized tools, convinced I’d never part with a robust multi-tool or comprehensive tool roll. However, some useful and interesting options emerged during that time period that are particularly handy for day rides and reasonable-length bikepacking trips, or as a means of rounding out your repair kit. Wolf Tooth’s EnCase system and the OneUp EDC come to mind. They’re easy to keep on the bike since they don’t take up extra room and are there in case you need them in a pinch. Today, two new Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump models expand the Minnesota brand’s lineup with 40 and 85cc mini pumps that allow their EnCase tools to nest inside them. I had the chance to try them out ahead of their release for this review.

Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

With a max pressure of 70 psi, both Wolf Tooth EnCase Pumps are designed for off-road bike tires—primarily mountain and gravel, with the larger of the two also suitable for fat bike tires, according to Wolf Tooth. These pumps require less effort per pump stroke to inflate high-volume tires and are built to be dependable and reliable. The EnCase Pump only works with Presta valves. Similar to other pumps I’ve tried, such as the OneUp EDC Pump, it operates by pushing the head directly onto the valve stem without the need for a hose or locking lever. I generally prefer this design to all others; it’s easy to use and eliminates the risk of unthreading the valve core.

  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

I found the EnCase pumps to work quite well. They feel solid, and the machined texture on the handle provides a nice grip. The amorphic shape on the head offers a good spot to place your thumb for stability while inflating. Both pumps operate fluidly, and the time and strokes required to pump a tire from completely flat matched my expectations based on their volumes. For the 85cc model, it took about 60 pumps to inflate a 29 x 2.4” tire to 10 PSI, and 130 strokes on the 40cc model to pump up the same tire from flat to 10 PSI. The EnCase pumps have a simple blue urethane gasket within the press-fit head, but like similar pumps, you need to keep it somewhat level and properly seated on the valve and avoid air leaks while inflating.

  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

Of course, the main attraction is that the Wolf Tooth EnCase Pumps provide an additional storage solution for their EnCase line of multi-tools. We’ve already reviewed the EnCase tools, so I won’t delve into the features and specs here (you can read that review for details, linked below). The pumps are designed to fit the two main tools: the Hex Bit Wrench, a multi-tool with 14 functions, and the Chain + Tire Plug, which includes a chain tool on one end and a tire plug with a storage tube for plugs. Both tools are cylindrical and were originally designed to nest within handlebar sleeves, so it makes sense to store them inside a mini pump as well. The smaller 40cc pump can fit one EnCase multi-tool (below images), while the larger 85cc pump (above images) can fit both tools in an rubber sleeve. The rubber sleeve has an integrated cap that slides onto the end of the pump, locking it in place. It’s a well-executed design that’s both muck-proof and secure. Note that the sleeve isn’t included if you buy just the pump and needs to be purchased separately.

Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

Both pumps can also fit the new Wolf Tooth EnCase Tire Plug, which was also introduced today. I was immediately impressed by the EnCase Tire Plug, mainly because it comes with regular plugs and oversized plugs. It has a built in rubber cap and the tube comes off via an O-ring secured press fit, making it quick and super easy to access. The only issue with it is if you use it, you can’t store any of the other tools. I suppose one interesting approach would be to make some sort of small bag to store tire repair stuff, then shove that into the 85cc pump along with the Tire Plug, and carry tools elsewhere.

Wolf Tooth Encase Pump vs. OneUp EDC

For many of you, the OneUp EDC pump probably came to mind when you clicked on this post. The Encase Pump shares a lot of similarities with the seven-year-old EDC, such as the fact that it’s about the same size and uses a push-on Presta-only head, and the obvious: it stores tools within its hollow tube. There are differences, however. To illustrate, here’s a list of advantages each has over the other.

  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

Advantages with EnCase Pump

  • Lighter weight
  • Slightly less expensive
  • More ergonomic/user-friendly hex tool
  • Easier to access tire plug tool
  • Has Philips head and T30 bits
  • EnviroLock does a better job at “locking” the pump
  • EnCase tools can also be stored in handlebar

Advantages with OneUp EDC

  • Easier/quicker to access tool
  • Has tire lever, Presta valve core tool, and spare rotor bolt
  • Can hold a pair of quick links
  • Optional chainbreaker pliers
  • EDC tool can also be stored in steerer tube

To summarize the major points, I think the Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump—as in the pump itself—managed to squeeze in a couple of refinements that improve upon similar features on the tried-and-true EDC. The EnviroLock is a major improvement over the EDC’s rubber slide-on fitting, which often doesn’t stay pressed in when being jostled around in a bag. I also prefer the head cap on the Wolf Tooth model; the rubber plug on the EDC is sometimes difficult to insert and doesn’t stay put. In addition, I think the EnCase hex tool is a little more user-friendly than the fiddly Allen tool in the OneUp EDC kit.

On the other hand, the EDC has several advantages worth noting. First, the Allen tool is much quicker to access and deploy than the EnCase version, which requires you to un-sleeve it, disengage the O-rings, select the bit you need, then insert it. The bits are also unique to the EnCase driver and could get lost. I suppose that’s a bigger debate between folding tools and hex bit tools, and it largely depends on user preference, but you get my drift. The 100cc EDC Pump has a slightly higher stroke air volume, although the difference was negligible in a side-by-side comparison. The EDC also has a few other features that I like: a tire lever, chainbreaker pliers, and storage for a pair of master links.

Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

One thing that sets the EnCase Pumps apart is the clever “EnviroLock” mechanism that secures the handle to the shaft, preventing it from sliding. After use, you simply compress the pump, twist it in a clockwise direction, and it locks in place, ensuring it doesn’t expand when stored in the frame bag or mounted to the bike. The rubber threaded piece on the shaft slides toward the head freely but seats in place thanks to a slight variation in the machined thickness. Plus, it creates a waterproof seal to protect against mud and debris.

  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review
  • Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump Review

Similarly, Wolf Tooth also added a rubber cap that seals the entire head. These features, particularly the EnviroLock, are especially beneficial when mounting the pump on the frame using the included bottle-cage mount. Unsurprisingly, the mount itself also has a smart design that helps keep the pump closed: each of the two plastic clamps has a different diameter—one for the shaft and one for the handle. It also has two rubber straps that are very secure.

  • Model/Size Tested: Wolf Tooth EnCase Pump 85cc and 45cc
  • Actual Weight (85cc) with both tools: 260 grams
  • Actual Weight (85cc) without tools: 149 grams
  • Actual Weight (40cc) with Plug Tool: 120 grams
  • Actual Weight (40cc) without tool: 91 grams
  • Place of Manufacture: Taiwan and Minnesota*
  • Price (40cc pump + mount): $64.95
  • Price (40cc pump + mount + Tubeless Plug Tool): $79.95
  • Price (85cc pump + mount): $69.95
  • Price (85cc pump + mount + Tubeless Plug Tool): $89.95
  • Price (85cc pump + mount + both EnCase tools): $159.95
  • Manufacturer’s Details: 85cc, 40cc

*Pump components are made in Taiwan and pumps are assembled in Minnesota; multi-tools are machined and made in Minnesota.


  • Quality mini-pump that’s easy to use
  • Good ergonomics and form factor
  • Waterproof EnviroLock and head cap are very nicely designed and show Wolf Tooth’s attention to detail
  • Keeps most of the tools readily available in one place
  • New tire plug tool comes with oversized plugs
  • Individual components and replacement parts available


  • Missing a few features compared to competitor products
  • Hex tool is a little slower to access and deploy than other multi-tools
  • Some people might want a Schrader valve option

Wrap Up

I feel like a broken record saying this, but Wolf Tooth never ceases to impress when it comes to attention to detail and innovation. The EnCase Pumps are no exception. They are essentially no-nonsense mini-pumps in two different useful volumes suited for off-road tires. The form factor is excellent, and the EnviroLock and head cap round out a well-executed design. The ability to store the EnCase multi-tools is icing on the cake, and the Tire Plug Tool with oversized plugs is a nice addition to the options. Thus far, my favorite carrying configuration is the 40cc pump with the Tire Plug Tool, then I just toss in a folding mini-tool or my more comprehensive tool roll.

Further Reading

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