Lost Captures is an upcoming film from Bombtrack riders Matty Waudby and Clare Nattress that chronicles their ride through Norway, retracing the route Matty’s grandfather cycled nearly 70 years ago. Watch the trailer here…

Bombtrack will soon be releasing their latest film, Lost Captures, which follows our friends Matty Waudby and Clare Nattress as they make their way across Norway, trying to piece together the route Matty’s grandfather rode in the 1950s from photographs in an old album Matty found after his death. It’s a touching and reflective film set against a stunning backdrop and all self-filmed by Matty and Clare, both incredibly talented storytellers and artists. Watch the trailer below:

Stay tuned for the premiere of the film here on the site next month, alongside an interview with Matty and Clare and behind the scenes photos from their trip. And be sure to check out our Reader’s Rig feature on Matty’s Bombtrack Beyond ADV and Clare’s piece on beginning bikepacking.



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