Recently released, “PRASETYA” is a documentary film about Bentang Jawa 2022, an unsupported ultra-endurance cycling race across the island of Java, Indonesia. Watch it here…

Bentang Jawa is a group start ultra event that crosses the island of Java, Indonesia. During the race, riders explore the beautiful landscapes of the southern and central sides of the island along its coasts, hills, mountains, and forests. It covers five provinces using a 1,500-kilometer route with 16,000 meters of elevation gain. This year, the organizers made this documentary following the event. The title, PRASETYA, comes from the Javanese language and means “commitment” or “loyalty,” representing the mindset that Bentang Jawa riders must have as they undertake this adventure.

“Just listen to the general hum and buzz of the world, as if you were listening to music.”

  • PRASETYA, Bentang Jawa 2022 video
PRASETYA, Bentang Jawa 2022 video

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