Les Échappées (The Breakaway) is an inspiring new film that follows Louise Roussel and Océane Le Pape on a 3,000-kilometer ride around France to meet more than 200 women who share a passion for cycling in its many forms. Watch the trailer and learn about upcoming screenings here…
Photos by Sophie Gateau (@sofigato)
Produced by Un Autre Cycle in partnership with Ahstudio Filmmakers, Les Échappées (The Breakaway) follows French cyclists Louise Roussel and Océane Le Pape of Un Autre Cycle (@unautrecycle) on a two-month, 3,000-kilometer journey around France. During their ride, they met with more than 200 intrepid and inspiring women they call “breakaways,” all of whom share a passion for bikes and are working to change the world of cycling. They sat down with women from all walks of life, including retired professional cyclists, young and old bicycle travelers, mechanics, urban commuters, ultra-distance champions, activists, and many more. Watch the three-minute trailer below, followed by a small gallery of images from behind the scenes:
The full 70-minute film will be published online toward the end of this year, but in there are in-person screenings happening in the meantime. You can learn more about the film and find a list of upcoming showing (currently only in France) at LesEschappees.cc. Louise and Océane also invite individuals and associations to get in touch to discuss organizing a viewing.
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