Best known for its multi-sport backpacks and hydration packs, USWE has entered the bikepacking world with a complete lineup of waterproof and water-resistant bike bags. Check out the new USWE Bikepacking Bags here…
It’s generally a good sign when an outdoor gear brand decides to venture away from its regular offerings to take a run at designing bikepacking bags. It means the days of bikepacking bags existing as niche products are long gone and can help drive innovation and development while still leaving plenty of room for the smaller makers that paved the way for the big brands.
USWE, pronounced “you—swii,” is best known for its lineup of bounce-free hydration packs and backpacks, which are used by cyclists, runners, and other off-road enthusiasts. As of today, they are entering the bikepacking world with a complete set of bike bags. The launch includes a seat pack, two top tube bags, a half frame bag, a handlebar roll, and a couple of accessory bags.
USWE Roll-Top Saddle Bag
The USWE Roll-Top Saddle Bag is a one-piece, waterproof bag made from a diamond ripstop 420D TPU fabric, and Hypalon. It features a welded construction and uses a standard saddle rail/seatpost attachment system, has an integrated air-purge valve, and there’s an external attachment point for a rear light. The saddle bag has a 9L capacity, weighs 380 grams, and costs $149 USD.
USWE Handlebar Roll-Top Bag + Holster
The USWE Handlebar Roll-Top Bag + Holster is a two-part system made from all the same fabrics as the saddle bag. The holster attaches to the handlebar using two rubber Voile-style straps, there are several Hypalon attachment points for different strap positions, and the included roll-top bag has a dual-sided entry for easier packing/unpacking. It has a 9L capacity, weighs 327 grams, and costs $119 USD.
USWE Frame Bag
The USWE Frame Bag is a half frame bag that comes in small or large size options. It attaches to the frame using included rubber and velcro straps, Hypalon attachment points, and is designed to pair with their top tube bag to reduce the amount of straps needed. It’s also made from a seam-welded TPU fabric, has a YKK water-resistant zipper on the drive side, cable port, and is reinforced to provide structure. The large frame bag has a 3.4L capacity and weighs 160 grams. The small frame bag has a 2.6L capacity and weighs 132 grams. They are priced at $109 and $99 USD, respectively.
USWE Top Tube Bags
USWE is offering two different top tube bags: a zippered version and one with a magnetic flap opening. Both feaure Hypalon attachment points, includes two rubber straps and two velcro straps, and have a welded construction. They have a cable port at the front end of the bag, a 1.2L capacity, and both weigh just over 100 grams. Both models are priced at $59 USD.
USWE Accessory Pouch
The USWE Accessory Pouch can be used a smaller standalone bar bag or paired with the Handlebar Roll-Top Bag + Holster for additional carrying capacity. It has a roll-top closure, an aluminum G-hook buckle, and is 100% waterproof thanks to its welded construction. It has a 3.5L capacity, weighs 148 grams, and costs $59.
USWE Food Pouch
The USWE Food Pouch is another take on a standard stem bag, made from the same TPU fabric as the rest of the lineup, with a cinching drawstring closure, small exterior pocket, Hypalon attachment points, and two included rubber straps. It has a 1.4L capacity, weighs 76 grams, and costs $49.
You can check out the entire lineup at
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