Why You Should Try Bikepacking Alone (video)

Although it can be daunting, especially your first time, bikepacking alone has many potential benefits. In our latest YouTube video, Neil talks about a few of them, shares thoughts on why he enjoys bikepacking by himself, and provides some tips to do so safely. Watch it here…

Although I love riding with friends, there’s something special about bikepacking alone. It’s is kind of like therapy. Being completely solo in the middle of nowhere seems to take all the thoughts that were bouncing around your head and put them back in order. Why is that? Maybe it’s the meditative, free pace of it. Or it could be the silence that comes with solitude. You really don’t get that very often. In our latest video, Neil ponders this subject and talks about why everyone should go bikepacking alone. Watch it below and then scroll down to tell us what you think…

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So, what makes bikepacking alone special to you? As one of our YouTube viewers mentioned, “When you are alone you are much more approachable. You will usually get someone coming to say hi, to ask where you have been and where you are heading. But in my experience these encounters are more common and often deeper when I’m alone. People seem more likely to say hi to a solo rider, more likely to offer assistance and hospitality. I’ve been treated to meals, offered places to camp or a bed for the night, and regaled with the collected stories of countless other cyclists.”

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More on Bikepacking Alone

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