Apidura Eurobike Talks
British bikepacking bag maker Apidura held and filmed a series of talks and interviews at this year’s Eurobike expo. Lee Craigie spoke about her 2017 Tour Divide, Nelson Trees on his TCR finish and forthcoming ultra in Kyrgyzstan, and Ed Shoote relived his bikepack through the Altai mountains… watch them here.
PUBLISHED Sep 4, 2017
Once again, Eurobike (a massive bike tradeshow in Friedrichshafen, Germany) was a barrage of new gear, tech, and toys. As a welcome respite from such mayhem, Apidura offered a series of in-booth talks and interviews with several of their ambassadors. They filmed each one. Make sure to turn on the volume as the Facebook player is muted by default. Also, the audio is sometimes muffled due to the usual tradeshow hubbub, but even so, we thought them well worth sharing:
Lee Craigie on the Tour Divide
Lee Craigie, Adventure Syndicate rider and former national MTB champion talking about her 2017 Tour Divide. Also, if you haven’t watched it yet, make sure to check out Lee’s Ted Talk.
Nelson Trees, TCR and New Kyrgyzstan Bikepacking Ultra
Nelson Trees, 6th place at Transcontinental Race 2017, recounting his experience of the event, as well as introducing a brand new adventure race he’s organising in Kyrgyzstan for 2018. We wonder if Nelson will use any of the Tian Shan Traverse.
Ed Shoote, Bikepacking the Altai
Ed Shoote, Apidura Ambassador, talking about his two bikepacking trips this year; in the Balkans, and to the Altai mountains through China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.
In addition to the interviews, Apidura had their full line on display. It’s worth noting that they launched their new Dry Series frame pack earlier this summer, and for the show specifically bought out two new sizes (3.5L and 5.3L — in addition to the 4.5L). In the Dry Series Apidura now has a full system featuring three frame pack sizes, three saddle pack sizes, two handlebar pack sizes, and the accessory pocket.

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