In Others’ Words…
Recent words and photos on the newsstands…
PUBLISHED Feb 23, 2015
In case you missed recent posts on Facebook and Instagram, we are honored to have our words and photos in the latest issues of these magazines. Make sure to pick up a copy:
Bicycle Times #33
Bicycle times has been putting a good deal of energy into content around bicycle adventure travel. Our article ‘Ignorance is Bliss’ is about a suicidal urge to cycle a game reserve which becomes a five-day odyssey into Africa’s Nyika National Park in Malawi. I’m pretty proud of this one. Click here for more info.
Bunyan Velo #5
Another great issue of Bunyan Velo, a fantastic bike touring and adventure cycling magazine full of great articles and photos by intrepid cyclists. Once again we are honored to have been able to contribute to this great publication. Check out ‘Silence’ the story our abbreviated bikepacking trip on the fringe of the Sahara desert. Click here to read online or purchase the PDF.
Mountain Bike Action
MBA did a nice little article introducing bikepacking and how to plan and pack for a multi-day adventure. We were invited to submit several photos as well as a short blurb about our bikepacking routes project. Check out the February issue.
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