Studio Ghibli Campout (Film)

Studio Ghibli Campout is a truly unique animated film by Erik Binggeser and Alison Mae Bonham, originally submitted to the Swift Campout Video Challenge that was announced last month. Watch the beautiful short film in its entirety here, followed by Erik’s thoughts on the project…

Studio Ghibli Campout is a short animated film created by Erik Binggeser and Alison Mae Bonham, originally submitted to the Swift Campout Video Challenge put on by Swift Industries and Skid Lizards. The film does a wonderful job capturing the essence of a bicycle-powered campout during a time when so many of us have been mostly trapped indoors. Watch the full film below, followed by some thoughts from Erik regarding the project.

Words by Erik Binggeser (@truemarmalade)

This project was one of those perfectly timed sort of things, as I was between freelance gigs with time to spare, had been itching for something bigger to work on than just another random GIF, and ta-da! the Swift Campout x Skid Lizards video challenge appears!

I’d just finished construction of my big living room green screen, so immediately knew I was going to comp myself into something. It didn’t take long to decide on Studio Ghibli films as the perfect setting to utilize it. Most people who have seen the films connect with them on a deep level thanks to how their environments are filled with endless small details to help transport us to a world that feels better than our own.


The actual filming + editing process wasn’t terribly complicated; get the rollers angled right to match the Ghibli clip, key out green screen, drawing masks, and a bit of motion tracking. I had lots of help from Alison to make sure I was in frame and in focus, as well as grabbing the stool from each shot once I got rolling. After that, there were a few days shifting clips around to try and tell some kind of story/process of an imaginary magical bike camping trip.

In the first 24 hours after posting the video I think I cried more than in the previous few years due to so many messages from people saying how they needed something this pure to escape the hell that has been 2020 so far. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. I Literally haven’t received a single negative comment about it, which seems like a rarity for any sort of online stuff. I’ve done content creation for hundreds of clients over the years but have never had the opportunity to make something that had such a meaningful impact on the lives of others, starting as a silly little video and ending up being something that people keep coming back and rewatching.


The hardest part about being this sort of scattered creative person is not knowing where my inspiration will come from next, but I’ll always treasure September 2020 due to everyone at Swift and Skid Lizards sparking a lil’ idea that grew into such an amazing project. I send all my thanks to them and all y’all as well as everyone who sent it to friends and family who needed a little special moment added to their day.


  • Erik Binggeser @truemarmalade: concept / filming / editing / directing / motion graphics / compositing / audio mixing
  • Alison Mae Bonham @heyalimae: filming / assistant directing / logistics / moral support

Watch all the video submissions by checking out the hashtag #SwiftCampoutVidChallenge on Instagram.



Bikepacking Videos


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