The Kora (film)
The Kora is a new film by Joey Schusler that follows three riders into Tibet during a 10-day bikepacking trip to attempt the “Yading Kora”…
PUBLISHED Nov 13, 2018
“High in the Himalayan hinterlands of Sichuan province, three massive mountains soar above sprawling floodplains and bamboo forests below. For Tibetans, a successful pilgrimage around the base of these sacred giants—known as the “Yading Kora”–is believed to purify a lifetime of negative karma.” Inspired by this idea, Brice Minnigh, Joey Schusler, and Sam Seward set out by bike on a 10-day self-supported bikepacking journey to complete this kora.
We had entered an utterly new dimension: A place where the harshness of life is met with a spirituality of stoicism. Where mountains and mysticism are one and the same. -Brice Minnigh
Photos above (other than where noted) and film by Joey Schusler. Find the full story over at
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