The Postman (Film)

The Postman is a short film from Sam Needham that takes viewers to Scotland’s Isle of Harris to meet Kenny Mackay, the last postman to walk the rugged and remote singletrack trail to the tiny village of Rhenigidale. Watch as Sam and friends ride the former mail route and learn a lesson about connection and community…

The Postman is a new short film from Sam Needham that traces the footsteps of Kenny Mackay, the last postman to walk the rugged singletrack trail that linked the isolated village of Rhenigidale to the rest of Scotland’s Isle of Harris before a road was constructed in 1990. Kenny carried more than just letters and parcels; he was the village’s primary link to the world over its hills and beyond its shores.

Sam and company travel to the remote corner of Scotland to ride the “Postman’s Path,” but find much more than just a trail, however stunning it may be. In sitting down with Kenny, they discover the important ways the trail connected Rhenigidale to the outside world, and Kenny to his fellow residents. Watch it below, and continue on for a selection of stills from behind the scenes.

“This was such an isolated community. The one main benefit of it being isolated, that, we all worked together, helped each other and no one was any better than a neighbor.”
-Kenny Mackay
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale
  • The Postman, Film, Scotland, Rhenigidale

Still photos by Tristan Tinn. If you’d like to see more films from Sam, check out Elements and Yorkshire Grit, both of which received honorable mentions for cinematography/editing in our 2018 Bikepacking Awards.



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