Dead Ends & Cake is a self-supported and self-navigated bikepacking event in eastern Switzerland—with fresh cake at each checkpoint. The organizers just released a 40-minute recap video, which is available now on Vimeo On Demand. Watch the trailer here…
Photos by Jonas Traber
The inaugural Dead Ends & Cake event brought out an even field of men and women and took riders on a 500-kilometer self-supported loop around eastern Switzerland. The hitch? There were five mandatory checkpoints at the far end of dead-end roads, where fresh cake was served. Filmmaker Jan Mühlethaler (@herr_roja) was chasing the riders day and night—in a van, on a bike, on foot, and even in the air. The full 41-minute film is available now on Vimeo On Demand for a little over $5, and you can check out the trailer below.
The 2022 event is scheduled for June 24th in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Learn more here.
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