Introducing a new way to support independent cycling media and the world’s first and largest bikepacking route network. Now, you can become a “Builder” level member of the Bikepacking Collective to help us grow our global catalog of routes, and we’ll mail you a new patch, a printed poster illustration of the Tour Divide route, and a sticker sheet…
If you’re thinking about joining the Bikepacking Collective, consider increasing your annual contribution to the premium Builder membership level. Or, if you’re already a sustaining member and would like to help us further, we’re extending this offer to existing members. We recently introduced the new Builder level membership to help us build new website functionality, a better community, and more high-quality bikepacking routes around the globe. We have a lot of good stuff in the works, and we need your help to make it happen. As a way of showing our appreciation, we’ll mail you a welcome packet with our new Bikepacking Collective Patch, a sticker sheet, and a printed poster-size illustration of the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (Tour Divide course).
If you missed Alex Hotchin’s beautiful map illustration that was included with the third issue of The Bikepacking Journal, the sticker sheet that came with issue 08, or you want to get ahold of one of these exclusive new patches, now’s your chance. If you’re already a member, you can log into your account here and go to Account > Membership Level. There, you can upgrade your account to the Builder level.
Become a Member
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Click to JoinWe’ll be mailing out these welcome packets to the first round of Builders at the end of the month. Thanks for your support!
Further Reading
Make sure to dig into these related articles for more info...
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