For anyone who missed the previous deadline or hasn’t joined our Bikepacking Collective just yet, we’re giving away 20 copies of The Bikepacking Journal 07 for Collective Reward #118. Find out how to win one for your bookshelf here…

We’re offering up a stack of copies of the seventh issue of The Bikepacking Journal for our latest Collective Reward giveaway, and 20 randomly selected new and existing Bikepacking Collective members who joined after the October 17th, 2021, deadline to receive the previous issue will receive one to help kickstart their collection.

  • The Bikepacking Journal 07
  • The Bikepacking Journal 07

Our seventh issue of The Bikepacking Journal was a celebration of courage and discovery of what we’re capable of when we don’t let others’ expectations define us. It was an ode to the small joys of our shared passion for riding bicycles and a gentle reminder to resist rushing through anything too quickly. It was a reflection on how we can understand places and their history far more deeply when we’re mindful of whose tire tracks and footsteps we follow. And it was also a tribute to the late Iohan Gueorguiev and his inspiring legacy.

Curious to know more about what’s inside? Take a deeper look at our seventh issue here. And if you want to get a better sense of the kind of stories we publish in The Bikepacking Journal, be sure to check out The American Cordillera by Mark Watson, Slower by Joshua Meissner, and Ditibised by Alexandera Houchin, three of the handful of feature stories from previous issues we’ve also shared online.

  • The Bikepacking Journal 07
  • The Bikepacking Journal 07
  • The Bikepacking Journal 07

Support from our members makes possible. If you enjoy reading the site, please consider joining our Bikepacking Collective. Membership is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, and members are automatically entered to win bi-monthly Collective Rewards, receive two issues of The Bikepacking Journal in the mail each year, have access to exclusive industry discounts, and lots more. Heads up, the deadline to join in time for this giveaway is just around the corner on Sunday, April 17th!

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