After 10 days, 13 hours, and 24 minutes, Miron Golfman has officially set a new fastest known time (FKT) on the 1,700-mile Baja Divide route in Mexico, raising over $40,000 for ALS in the process. Find details on his ride, a short interview, and his complete pack list here…
Photos by Aaron Rosenblum (@airrosen) and Schuyler Alig (@schuyleralig)
Miron Golfman’s Ride to Endure, his individual time trial (ITT) of the Baja Divide, began a full year ago in February of 2021 after spending three months volunteering as the primary caregiver for his uncle Bruce, who has ALS. Having always felt torn between being an athlete for athletics sake and competing for something greater than himself, Miron saw an opportunity to combine his passions and ride for a cause. The Ride to Endure was born out of this want to continue supporting those impacted by ALS while also pushing his own body for an epic ITT.

Miron started at midnight on December 31st, pedaling into the new year. He dealt with tough trail conditions from mud, sandpits, endless rutted roads, and the occasional mechanical. The unusually cold weather contributed to the sloppy conditions but made the days more comfortable. He dealt with serious knee pain, but the feeling of riding for more than himself helped him push through each day.
Miron says he’s really humbled to be able to ride his bike in a beautiful place like Baja and experience such gorgeous spots. And he says it was an amazing experience, but he won’t be riding the Baja Divide again. At least not for a long, long time. His official finish time was 10 days, 13 hours, and 24 minutes—completing the route nearly a full day faster than Pete Basinger and Lael Wilcox.
How’s it feel to be done with your ITT?
It’s a little surreal. I think the raw feeling that I had right when I finished really sums it up. It was very emotional, and it still is. I’m filled with gratitude for having the opportunity to be able to pursue a dream like this and be surrounded by this level of support and love. It’s an experience unlike any other.
How was your experience of racing the route compared to touring it last year?
I can say my memories of the Baja Divide will be from when I toured it. Most of the route is a blur from having done it at the speed I was going. It was definitely significantly muddier this year than last, and there were a few sections this year that were a lot more torn up from the Baja 1,000.
Were there any major differences or surprises this time around?
Aside from the trail conditions, it was a lot colder this time, which I think worked in my favor. I brought my puffy jacket thinking I would just need it for a few nights but I was shocked that I needed it every night.
Any major failures or mechanical issues?
Aside from my cleats coming loose a few times and needing to adjust them, the catastrophic mechanical was my bottom bracket blowing out 30 miles north of Vizcaino. By the time I got to a bike shop there, the drivetrain bearing was completely blown, it didn’t even have any bearings left. The mechanics were able to pull the cartridge out of a different bottom bracket and insert it so I could keep going.

Miron’s Baja Divide Gear List
9 Zero 7 Lynx, Large
– Pike Ultimate Fork
– SRAM G2 RSC Brakes
– XX1 Shifter
– XO1 Derailleur
– XO1 Chain
– XO1 Cassette 12 Speed 52T
– XO1 Cranks
– Chainring 32T
– Hand Laced NEXTI rims
– Son Dynamo front hub
– DT Swiss 350 197 Rear Hub
– Maxxis Chronicle 29 3.0
– Carbon NEXT seatpost
– SQLab 610 saddle
– Garmin XTR pedals
– Raceface Carbon Mtb Carbon bars
– Ergon G3 grips, SQLab inner bar ends, Zipp aerobars
Sleep System
– MSR Hubba ground cloth
– Thermarest NeoAir Xtherm Pad
– Patagonia ultralight sleeping bag
– Patagonia Down Sweater Puffy
– Patagonia lightweight capilene bottoms
– Patagonia Capilene Daily Merino tshirt
– Duckworth sun hoody
– Buff
– Patagonia Houdini Jacket
– Endura rain pants
– 2 Primal cycling kits
– Primal Sun Sleeves
– Primal Cycling Vest
– Primal Cycling Cap
– 2 sets of Primal socks
– Sun Hat
– Face mask
– Smith Wildcat Sunglasses
– Sawyer mini squeeze filter
– Portable aqua purification tablets
– Son 28 15 110 Dynamo Hub
– Klite Ultra V2 Mtb with Klite charging system
– Wahoo Element Bolt
– Garmin InReach Mini
– iPhone
– JBL Clip 3 Speaker
– Jabra Earbuds
– Two external cache batteries
– Petzl e+lite
– 2 Revelate Designs feedbags
– Revelate Designs Magtank cockpit bag
– Revelate Designs Spinelock 10L seat bag
– Custom Tyson frame bag
– Salomon running pack
Repair Kit
– Topeak multitool
– Specialized mini multitool
– Mini swiss army knife
– Leatherman
– Box of nuts and bolts including spare brake pad and cleat
– 1 Co2 cartridge + applicator
– Bacon kit + applicator
– Wolftooth pack pliers with spare links
– Spare derailleur hanger
– 2 short lengths of spare chain
– Spoke wrench
– Zip ties
– 2 tire boots
– Tube patch kit
– Spare shifter cable
– Needles and thread
– Lighter
– spare derailleur pulley
– Tenacious tape
– Aquaseal
– Tube patch glue
– Gorilla super glue
– Spare tube
– Specialized Big Bore pump
– Tire sealant
– 2 mini bottles of squirt chain lube

A huge congrats to Miron for not only setting a new Baja Divide FKT but for his fundraising efforts as well. I had a quick call with Miron yesterday afternoon and it was clear that the fundraiser is personal for him and his FKT is just the cherry on top. They have plans to release a film later this year, hopefully in May to coincide with ALS Awareness Month, and we’ll be sure to update everyone as details become available. They are still accepting donations, so head over to to learn more.
For some additional insight into Miron’s record-setting ride, check out this post by route creator Nicholas Carman.
More from the Baja Divide
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