The folks behind the MADE handmade bike show and Stinner Frameworks have teamed up on the ultimate bicycle photography tool. Learn more about the lightweight, three-piece Stinner x MADE Photo Stick here…
Between reviews, trade shows, rigs highlights, and other such posts, we take A LOT of bike photos. Occasionally we make do with a plain ol’ wooden stick from the bushes for a more natural look, but we’ve come to appreciate the benefits of a dedicated bike photo stick. This isn’t an entirely new concept; back in 2020 I made a small batch of two-piece bike photo sticks in collaboration with Wildwood Cycles on Vancouver Island for our team and circle of contributing editors. It became lovingly known within our inner circle as the Stick Stand. At this point, they’ve elegantly supported hundreds of bicycles for portraits here on the site, and I’m happy to report that MADE and Stinner Frameworks have teamed up to create their own take with an elegant new photo stick now available to the public.
The Stinner x MADE Photo Stick features a lightweight, packable three-piece design connected by threaded bottle bosses. When screwed together, it forms a Y-shape that supports the non-drive side crankarm at the bottom bracket and is finished with rubberized ends for added grip. The first run of Photo Sticks is available in steel, and there’s a limited run of titanium versions coming soon. They have a durable Cerakote finish and are handmade in Santa Barbara, California. The Photo Stick costs $59.99 USD and is available now from
To coincide with the Photo Stick launch, MADE Australia tickets are now on sale for their inaugural show. MADE AUS will occur on June 28th and 29th at the Darebin International Sports Centre (DISC) in Melbourne. Get your tickets here.
Further Reading
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