The Adventure Dispatch: Sarah Swallow + The Lost Coast Ridge Trail
In this episode of The Adventure Dispatch, head out on an overnight ride with Sarah Swallow. Plus, learn more about The Lost Coast Ridge Trail bikepacking route…
PUBLISHED Apr 26, 2016
The latest film in the The Adventure Dispatch documentary series follows contributors Sara and Tom Swallow on an overnighter in the Humbolt Redwood Forest. There’s a wealth of great quotes in here including this gem in response to finding a car that slid off the road (typical ‘hungry cyclist’):
We should make sure there’s no dead bodies on the other side … It looks like there’s a whole bunch of snacks in there.” – Sarah
The Lost Coast Ridge Trail
Wondering where the Swallows were cycling in the film? The Lost Coast Ridge Trail is a 75 mile route through what is perhaps the most remote and unpopulated region on the entire coast of California. Some may be familiar with this area for The Lost Coast Trail, a 24 mile hiking trail along the coastline. That aside, this region still holds much appeal for bikepackers. The Lost Coast is defined by the rugged and steep terrain of the King Range which prevented developers from establishing roads through the region, and helped keep intact the area’s natural beauty. If you are up for the challenge—the severity of the terrain and potential weather—it’s an amazing place.
Trail Notes
- This route starts inland in Humboldt Redwoods State Park in Burlington California and climbs into the King Range region via a narrow, paved road surrounded by towering Redwoods.
- It then drops into Honeydew and begins the majestic, gravel ride along King Peak Road with views of waterfalls and glimpses of the coast through the trees.
- Then the difficult 26-mile rugged-jeep-trail stretch follows along Usal Road down to Usal Beach where there is a good chance for spotting elk.
- The last 6 mile section is very steep and will likely require some hike-a-bike, but it’s worth it to soak up the constant ocean views.
- To learn more about the route, click here.

In addition to the excellent trip reports from the TAT off-road last summer, Sarah has also contributed a 5,000 mile review of the Specialized AWOL and more recently, The Buckeye Trail Bicycle Route. Make sure to check out Sarah’s Instagram feed to follow their current trip through Cascadia. And stay tuned for more from The Adventure Dispatch.
Seeing the word from the seat of my bicycle is an incredible experience… there will be hardships and it’s not always comfortable, but it will be rewarding no matter what… even if it’s rainy and cold.”
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