The Dirt Dashes: A Short Documentary (Film)
Filmed and directed by Markus Stitz, “The Dirt Dashes” is a short documentary highlighting the history of one of Britain’s first gravel bikepacking events with footage from the 2021 and 2022 Dunoon Dirt Dash. Watch it here…
PUBLISHED Dec 1, 2022
The Dorset Dirt Dash has grown from a “few people sitting around a fire” in 2013 to two events that attracts more than 350 people. In 2015, our inaugural Bikepacking Awards year, we awarded the Dorset Gravel Dash event with “Best New Ride.” Charlie Hobbs and Markus Stitz, the organizers of the Dorset and Dunoon Dirt Dashes, just announced dates for their 2023 events. To help get folks excited, they’ve also released a short eight-minute documentary highlighting the history of the event with footage from the 2021 and 2022 editions of the Dunoon Dirt Dash. Watch the film below and scroll down to find more about the upcoming events:
“Gravel cycling is just riding your bike in the countryside. You don’t actually need to be on a gravel bike.”
The Dirt Dashes come in two variations: The Dirt Dash 50/50 is a two-day event with 50 miles of cycling per day and a night of camping. The Dirt Dash 100 is a challenging one-day event, with 100 miles of cycling in a single day. The Dorset Dirt Dash 50/50 and 100 were both sold out this year and will return on May 27-28th, 2023. The Dunoon Dirt Dash 50/50 will return on September 23-24th with a new Dunoon Dirt Dash 100 event on September 24th for faster riders who want to tackle the route in one day.
Places are limited and available now for the events. Find more on that here. And, more about the Dirt Dashes can be found at and on Instagram @dirtdash_cc.
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