Montanas Vacias: A Journey through Spanish Lapland (Video)
Set in Spanish Lapland, Montañas Vacías is a new 35-minute video from Sergio Luna that documents his time spent riding the 700-kilometer route of the same name, offering a close-up perspective of the people who call the sparsely populated region home. Watch it here…
PUBLISHED Mar 25, 2021
Our friend Ernesto Pastor, creator of the lauded 700-kilometer Montañas Vacías (“Empty Mountains”) bikepacking route that traverses Spain’s Serranía Celtibérica, also known as Spanish Lapland, recently tipped us off to filmmaker Sergio Luna‘s documentary that chronicles his time along the route last fall.
Sergio’s 35-minute video provides an in-depth look at this infrequently visited region of Spain and the people who call it home, mixing footage from the trip with interviews and post-ride reflections to tell the story of the Montañas Vacías route and the unique slice of Spanish culture anyone who rides it will experience. Watch it below, followed by a small gallery of images from Sergio’s trip and illustrations by Ernesto.
“The sum of my love for cycling, my love for cycling trips, and the awareness of the problems we have here were the motivation behind this project.” -Ernesto Pastor

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