No-Li Born & Raised IPA

I decided to enjoy this creamy honey-colored IPA while breaking down my Surly Troll. So I put the green long-haul tank up on the work stand and started the chore of pulling it apart to purge its nooks and crannies of gunk and corrosion (and repurpose my Rohloff to a new build).

While turning the first allen screw on the Troll, I realized that this bike may never be back in its current configuration. So in some respect, this is my post-ride beer for the recently finished pan-am journey as a whole, and a nod to the Apocalypse-proof Build that carried me almost 3,000 miles.

I was first exposed to No-Li through their bottle design. Nice clean graphics and interesting branding. I had heard their brews were good and was excited to find this bomber in Whole Foods. This West coast IPA did not disappoint.

A nice honey-orange, hazy pour was followed by a fairly zesty nose of hops. Born & Raised has a nice creamy, carbonated feel and texture that starts off with a nice big wave of bitter hoppy happiness followed by a grapefruity malt that’s not too sweet. It finishes with another round of bitter hops that leaves your tastebuds craving another sip.

Post-ride beer - Born and Raised IPA

Post-ride beer - Born and Raised IPA

Post-ride beer - Born and Raised IPA

Post-ride beer - Born and Raised IPA



bikes-and-beer  ipa  no-li  beer  surly-troll  

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