Playing The Fool: Arizona’s Fool’s Loop Bikepacking Route (Video)
Troy Hopwood and Justin Short recently tackled the 280-mile Fool’s Loop bikepacking route in Arizona, and they put together a comprehensive video showing what riders can expect. Watch the 16-minute video here…
PUBLISHED Jan 30, 2024
The Fool’s Loop is a 280-mile bikepacking route in beautiful Arizona that starts and finishes in downtown Phoenix, close to amenities and the airport. Made up of urban paths, flowy singletrack, and rugged forest service roads, the loop takes in some other excellent trails and sights along the way.
Troy Hopwood and Justin Short recently rode the full route, navigating low-land flooding, missed turns, and endless Arizona chunk while also managing to rescue a couple of lost dogs in the middle of the desert. Troy put together a video of the experience, and it’s a must watch for anyone considering the route.
“The Fool’s Loop somehow compelled us to do something foolish.”

The Fool’s Loop
The Fool’s Loop is a four or five day, 277-mile circuit that leaves from downtown Phoenix, Arizona, and takes riders on an incredibly diverse tour of Tonto National Forest, Agua Fria National Monument, and the Black Canyon Trail. Find the full route guide here.
Further Reading
Make sure to dig into these related articles for more info...
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