Bike Touring
Articles about Bike Touring
There is nothing quite like adventure bike touring. Self-contained and self-supported long distance rides to all corners of the earth. Check out stories and thoughts about some of our bike tours below:
There is nothing quite like adventure bike touring. Self-contained and self-supported long distance rides to all corners of the earth. Check out stories and thoughts about some of our bike tours below:
ET is back! Here’s our thoughts, and initial riding impressions, on Surly’s first dedicated, dirt road touring tire for here on Planet Earth.
A collection of bikepacking guidebooks has recently hit the shelves. Here’s a roundup of what each has to offer, and which is the right choice for who…
Is it possible to piece together an unpaved bikepacking route across the US, primarily on gravel and dirt? Apparently it is, and these two cyclists are on a mission to prove it…
Bikepacking across the tiny ‘Mountain Kingdom’ of Lesotho was one of the most anticipated passages of our current tour. It didn’t fall short of expectations…
As we coasted through the final meters of the Franschhoek Pass descent, elation quickly faded as we faced the first part of the riddle to our passage East.
The third edition of Bunyan Velo—A quarterly collection of photographs, essays, and stories celebrating the simple pleasures of traveling by bicycle—is now available! Within its pages you will find memoirs from 15 riders traveling everywhere from the Kenai Peninsula to the West Australian desert. I was honored to have my own article, An Impromptu Journey, and photography included in this issue.
Ridiculously difficult climbs… Long and hot stretches between anything… Smog-belching busses missing you by mere inches… Incessant hunger…Leg cramps… Undying headwinds… What’s not to love about all that?
Leaving the bike behind and hopping on the train for a non pedal powered trip to see family and a few favorite Italian places.
A short post about our rides through Nicaragua… so far. Now, we’re off to Isla de Omotepe… more to come.
“I have less than six months to live. The Waponis believe they need a human sacrifice or their island is going to sink into the ocean. They have this mineral your father wants so he hired me to leap into their volcano.” Joe Banks, Joe Versus the Volcano
It’s not the destination… it’s the journey. Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate that aspect of travel, but I have made a point to try and keep that in mind on my first bike tour. And that ideal kind of manifested itself on the last leg of our trip…
A few of my favorite things that are on and off my bike…