No Going Back: A Colorado Trail Story (Film)
“No Going Back” follows Eliza Sampey’s attempt to become the first woman to complete a multi-sport traversal of the 500-mile Colorado Trail, bikepacking the bike-legal sections and fastpacking the wilderness sections where bikes are not allowed. Watch the 15-minute film here…
PUBLISHED May 17, 2023
Directed, filmed, and edited by Evan Wilson, No Going Back shares Eliza Sampey’s attempt of completing the Colorado Trail via riding and running two years after her life-changing traumatic brain injury. The 15-minute film takes a deeper look at her relationship with her body and brain and how it has influenced her relationship with cycling and running.
Eliza’s goal with the film was to raise awareness about the prevalence of this invisible but very real injury in the cycling world. The film was made to benefit LoveYourBrain, an organization that offers free programs and resources to people with TBIs and their caregivers. Eliza has a goal to raise $5,000 for the organization, and if you’re able to, you can make a donation here.
“I had gone from 20 miles an hour on my bike to 20 miles an hour sailing through the air and came to rest on my head.”
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