Cycling Through Mexico Alone (Video)

After a hiatus from sharing his journey, Greg McCahon returns with a fresh video installment documenting his ride from Alaska to Argentina. Find a heavy and moving 40-minute video from the new solo leg of his ride and a set of images from rural Mexico here…

Video and photos by Greg McCahon

I loved watching and sharing the refreshingly honest and sincere videos British bikepacker Greg McCahon shot and edited from his ride between Alaska and Argentina with his riding partner Victoria Cedillo, and I found myself missing their episodes in the roughly five months since the last update. The wait is now over, and Greg is back with a new video, but his trip has taken on a new form. After a year of sharing the journey with Victoria, the pair decided to part ways.

Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon
  • Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon
  • Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon

Greg’s latest video finds him continuing the voyage alone. In it, he shares an unguarded look at his struggles with finding his way and relearning how to enjoy the experience by himself after such a long time of sharing it with Victoria. He pedals through the Mexican desert through the Sierra Madre Oriental, makes new friends, celebrates a birthday, and finds the courage to push on. Eventually, he makes it to Mexico City, where he decided to hit pause on the adventure to collect himself so he can return to it with renewed energy. Watch the full 40-minute below and catch up on a handful of earlier episodes in the Further Watching grid at the bottom of this post.

  • Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon
  • Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon
  • Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon
“At the end of the day, this trip has always been my dream, and I think Victoria felt like it might be time to follow her own.”
Cycling Through Mexico Alone, Greg McCahon

Greg let me know that he plans to return to Mexico to continue his travels south toward Argentina sometime next month. In his words, “I think it’ll probably take me another 2-3 years to get down to Argentina, but who knows.” All of us on the team are excited to see him return to his bike in Mexico and resume pedaling, and we’ll be sure to publish more updates as they’re available. All the best from us, Greg!

Further Watching

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