BAM! is the first European meeting for cycle-travelers. Group rides, workshops, meetings, speeches, contests, books, music, parties… the event for those who choose a horizon, a pair of wheels and the wind in their face.
The Lessini Mountains, a refuge and lots of bicycles and tents: this is the spirit of BAM!, the European gathering of bicycle travelers in the Campfire edition, which will be held on 12 and 13 June at the Lausen Refuge, north of Verona.
A return to the origins of the gathering: only tents and sleeping bags, for everyone, arrival by bicycle and a limited number, this time on the threshold of summer.
Last year it was SOLD OUT months in advance and there is already great excitement for the next edition.
BAM! thus reaches its seventh edition, proving once again to be the most important event in Europe dedicated to travel by bike, bikepacking, gravel and everything that represents a philosophy that lies between cycling and exploration, between outdoor and cycle tourism.
For two days, bicycle travelers of all kinds meet under the same sky to share their passion, but also to discuss, learn, meet new travel companions and the news of the bike world. Because the substance of the BAM! is this: a gathering of cyclists who dream of pedaling further and further away.
In the year of COVID, returning to pedaling and imagining small and large journeys has a particular meaning, and the theme of this edition will be “No borders, just horizons”: an invitation to look up, to imagine, to feel free again.