The Bohemia Divide is an unsupported cycling race through the Czech Republic, starting from South and ending in the North.
Bohemia Divide is a 700km unsupported cycling race through the Czech Republic, starting from South (Vyšší Brod) to the North (Varnsdorf/Krásná Lípa). The race takes place in the term from September 22 to September 29, 2019. The number of participants is limited to 70. The race can be ridden on a mountain, cross or gravel bike. Majority of the route will be lead on firm or gravel roads.
Bohemia Divide 2018 Recap:
In the end we had 49 participants from 8 countries (The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Great Britain, Austria) standing on the starting line. The contestants had to fight lots of weather whims – they survived night hurricane followed by rainstorm, sudden drop of temperature by 20 degrees and night and morning frost. We hold great respect to all who decided to participate. The track was really demanding and tested the participants thoroughly. 39 of them reached the finish. The first one, Míra „Indian“ Franěk, set the track record of 2 days, 20 hours and 45 minutes. The first and only woman of the race, Jitka Válová, crossed the imaginary finish line after 4 days, 13 hours and 30 minutes. The last one to finish the race was amazing and invincible Dalibor Gut (aged 68) who showed us how the champions celebrate. His time was 6 days, 9 hours and 30 minutes. The results of all contestants are published on our website in Results 2018.