The TransVirginia Bike Route is a 565-mile mostly-unpaved backcountry cycling route that traverses the state of Virginia from Washington, DC to Damascus, VA.
Ride high mountain ridges straddling the VA/WV border across long stretches of National Forest land, linking up VA’s best rail trails for a respite from the challenging climbing. The route is 61% unpaved and a mixture of gravel roads, fire roads, and quiet paved country roads.
The 2024 Grand Depart begins at 6am on Saturday May 18, 2024. This mass start attracts both competitive racers and a social party pace contingent based on goals and interests. In addition to the challenging 565 mile / 47k’ “Mountain Route,” a milder 535-mile / 33k’ “Valley Route” and a 400-mile DC-Harrisonburg-DC loop offer options for simpler TransVA experiences.
Event details, Letter of Intent submission information, and Trackleaders registration is available on the Trans Virginia website at