Congratulations to Nicolette Jones, the first woman to cross the finish line in the 2024 Colorado Trail Race. Nicolette completed the course in just over five and a half days, the fastest time a woman has raced the southbound route from Denver to Durango. Alexandera Houchin caught up with Nicolette at the southern terminus and put together this lovely piece about her ride with a selection of photos…

25-year-old Nicolette Jones from Corrales, New Mexico, has earned a hearty applause as this year’s winner of the women’s Colorado Trail Race, rolling into Junction Creek in 5 days, 12 hours and 19 minutes (5d:12h:19m), the fastest a woman has raced her bike from Denver to Durango. Although the bikepacking world seems obsessed with records and FKTs, and technically this isn’t one, it is a phenomenal accomplishment that deserves just as a much of celebration. Her performance was full of grace and effort, executed with intention from the beginning. Her ballet across the backbone of Colorado has been choreographed over time.

Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race

She has a storied relationship with the Colorado Trail, having hiked it, bike toured it, and most impressively having skied it. Even though this is her first ever bikepacking race, she’s got among the most intimate relationships with the 527-mile trail. “I feel like the Colorado Trail is the place where I became the person I am today,” she reflected as she sipped a bubbly water surrounded by race finishers and friends. I watched as her eyes glazed over a little, but the melody of laughing, accolades and curiosities filled the air. As much as this performance has nothing to do with me, I couldn’t help but keep wiping the tears from my eyes. For some of us, this sport and these performances are our entire worlds. As much as the ego gets bruised when your records fall; the only reason I ever set out to hold records was to serve as an invitation for someone to beat me. It’s been so meaningful to observe, celebrate and even be a part of the victories for the women on the Colorado Trail Race.

  • Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race
  • Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race

Listening to Nicolette reflect from about her race experience, she kept sharing stories of how maniacal the ski traverse she embarked on with her partner Mark. Day one of this year’s race was “perfect” she said, being blessed with cloud cover in the segments that can be overwhelmingly hot was a treat. Her last effort on day one included a strong push to find camp after summiting Georgia pass with fellow racer, Abe. Pre race nerves were heavy in the days leading up to the race that had a little impact on her gut. Eating was a chore and wasn’t really going to plan for her early on. By day two, however, she started being able to eat and things got better from there. Sleep was a priority, but in that same vain, she found herself anxious that Karin or Emma may catch her while she’s sleeping. On day three she lost her light just outside of Buena Vista; Karin ultimately ended up finding it and leaving it for her to recuse later. Fortunately, she packed a back up light and decided to rely on that instead of waiting around in Buena Vista for shops to open.

Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race
  • Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race
  • Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race
  • Nicolette Jones 2024 Colorado Trail Race
Nicolette rode a Vassago Optimus Ti with Specialized Ground Control 29 x 2.35″ tires and a 1×12 Shimano XT drivetrain. She made all of the bags herself.

Highs and lows were plenty, and as she was descending into Mount Princeton, she had a slight collision with a vehicle on a blind corner, not hurting much more than her pride. She raced sans sleeping pad, and when asked by another racer why not push to the pit toilet just ahead on the trail she said she preferred “body sized nooks in trees.” All in all, the ride didn’t go to plan, as is the way these things go. However, she went in to the race aspiring for a women’s win, believing that a six or seven day finish was possible. After camping with Emma on the first night, and Emma confessed she was seeking a sub-five finish. While telling this story, Nicolette’s eyebrows raised and her voice cracked as she recalled saying to herself, “ohhkaay… lets do this.”

Congratulations sister, we’re all so stoked for what you just accomplished.

TrackerCheck out the 2024 Colorado Trail Race Tracker page for updates and to follow along on the live tracking map, and stay tuned in for more event coverage. Find it here.

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