In the first installment of his occasional video roundup series, Lucas presents a hodgepodge of entertaining, informative, and insightful finds that have been sitting open in browser tabs for far too long. Find an assortment of seven new and old bike-related videos here…

I’m not proud to admit it, but I typically have around 40 browser tabs open at any given time. Many of them are YouTube videos that I stumbled upon or were recommended to me by the algorithm but I haven’t yet found the time to watch. They sometimes sit there for weeks or more. In an effort to finally close some tabs and share some interesting videos that aren’t likely to find a home elsewhere on the site, I present my first roundup of new and old videos that hopefully feature a little something for everyone. Find them all below.

Honey, You Knew Nothing

Filmed during the 2023 edition of Basajaun, an 800-kilometer gravel race through the mountains and forest of Basque Country, Honey, You Knew Nothing is a short documentary that follows Anna Kollmann-Suhr of Enough Cycling during her first ultra-distance race. It’s a nicely shot short piece that offers an honest look at what it takes to complete a demanding bikepacking event.

I’m a Kind of Mechanised Tramp

Produced by the BBC, I’m a Kind of Mechanised Tramp is a short documentary from 1971 that celebrates Scottish cyclist Bill Houston’s 25 years of cycle touring, during which he pedaled some 600,000 kilometers. Full of rough-stuff vibes, it’s a refreshing blast from the past that offers some insight and inspiration for where your bicycle can take you. Find part two here.

Switching Lanes

Switching Lanes tells the simple and beautiful story of how one woman’s life and everyday experience of San Francisco changed when she bought an inexpensive bike that was found in a dumpster and restored into a dream commuter that has become her constant companion.

Biking Across America

Last summer, after thinking about it for more than a decade, Matt rode 4,000 miles from Portland, Maine, to Portland, Oregon, aboard a three-speed bike. The 72-day adventure was his first solo bicycle trip, and the resulting video is a welcome reminder that you don’t need the latest and greatest to have a life-altering experience on the bike.

The Frek Story

A slight change of pace from most of other videos in today’s roundup, The Frek Story is a fascinating look at one of Steve Frey’s 1982 Trek 614 conversions from 700C to 650B. He shares some of his philosophy and rationale in an approachable way that will have you eager to get out and tinker.

Klunking (1979)

You’ll recognize a handful of mountain biking icons in this short 1979 documentary about the heyday of klunking in California, which helped shape the way we ride bikes today. It’s a fun watch from an edition of the fabled Repack Race that channels a different era of off-road riding.

Why Do Cyclists Ruin Everything?

This scathingly satirical video has been making the rounds the past couple of days. It hits a little too close to home at times but is hilariously spot on. Find out why cyclists are the worst in the video below.

Further Reading

Make sure to dig into these related articles for more info...



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