Today’s edition of Weekend Snapshot showcases three folks from our global community out pedaling with friends no matter the conditions. From the sunny deserts of Arizona to the frozen forests of Finland, find our latest reader-submitted images and use the form to share a recent photo here…

We explore three distinct takes on winter riding in this installment of Weekend Snapshot. Whether it’s taking advantage of a warm day to get out and turn the cranks or bundling up and facing deep winter head-on, there’s no wrong way to ride when the days are short. Find a peek at rides in northern Europe and two corners of the United States below, then continue scrolling to find a submission form to share your photos and some related posts from the archive.


Weekend Snapshot

By Gabe Ehlert

A cold and foggy winter morning ride where we swept up friends as we came across them until we all ended up in the sunny meadow on top of the butte.

Uusimaa, Finland

Weekend Snapshot

By Andrei Turro

A truly local overnighter in -21°C. Hop on a local train for 20 min with your friend and bikes. Ride 11 kilometres in winter darkness while growing an ice beard. Reach the Ängesböle shelter in Sipoonkorpi National Park. Make a fire. Enjoy the light of the full moon in the snowy forest. Put down the fire. Get into your sleeping bag and wait for it to warm up. Wake up to a less cold morning and soak in the quietness. Pack your bikes. Ride your bikes 10 kilometres for breakfast in a cafe. Ride to another local train station and hop on a train to Helsinki. Smile and wave to your friend at the last stop and ride home.


Weekend Snapshot

By Neil Beltchenko

Conditions have quickly changed, and we’re currently stuck in our tents in a downpour, but it was 75 degrees and beautiful when I shot this photo of Joe chugging along the Arizona Trail.

Send Us Your Weekend Snapshot

We’ll be selecting three photos per week to feature in Weekend Snapshot. Send yours along for consideration, and if it’s selected, we’ll be in touch! Note: We prefer 3:2 ratio landscape-oriented photos.

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Further Reading

Make sure to dig into these related articles for more info...




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