The Wolf’s Lair (Film)
47 Dec 12 Montanus / videoMontanus retraced the 400km Wolf’s Lair bikepacking route to film the experience and showcase the hidden beauty that fascinated them during their initial exploration three years ago. Watch it here, along with details about their bikes and the revised route map…
Home Wild Home (film)
54 Sep 27 Montanus / videoThe Montanus duo have made another dazzling film. This time, the two rode from their home in L’Aquila, Italy and set off into the magnificent Apennine Mountains. Watch Home Wild Home here, find a beautiful set of stills from the trip, and see the new Corvid Corax, the bike they used on the trip…
Iceland Divide, a Film by Montanus
51 Nov 28 Montanus / videoIceland Divide is a new short film from Montanus that chronicles their recent bikepacking trip across Iceland, straight through the country’s notoriously unforgiving and desolate interior. Watch the full film here, along with behind the scenes photos and notes on the bikes and gear used for the trip…
Patagonia, Tierra De Gigantes
13 Nov 9 Montanus / storiesThe idea for this journey was gleaned from the pages of an old book, one in which Walter Bonatti, Italian alpinist and explorer, describes the exploration of a remote and wild land. Once inhabited by monsters and giants, today its name still evokes adventure and exploration. Patagonia. Driven by his story, we found ourselves flying over the Atlantic Ocean to discover it for ourselves.
344 mi. / 554 km9 days
Iceland Divide (North-South)
153 Oct 17 Montanus EuropeJust below the Arctic Circle, situated between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, a remote land emerges from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, dominated by huge glaciers, ashen deserts, and mighty lava structures. Here, along the fault line that crosses the island from north to south, the incessant work of fire and ice traced a route that runs through a world of immeasurable desolation and enthralling beauty, the Icelandic Highlands. -
Patagon, a Film by Montanus
24 Apr 10 Montanus / videoPatagón, a new film by Montanus, recounts their bike and packraft exploration into a remote corner of southern Patagonia. There, between the Austral Andes and huge glacial lakes, the traditional Argentine culture of the gaucho survives. Watch the film and learn about the gear they brought along…
303 mi. / 488 km15 days
Alta Via dei Monti Liguri
55 Feb 21 Montanus EuropeThe Alta Via dei Monti Liguri is a challenging and scenic bikepacking route that crosses Liguria, a coastal region of northwestern Italy between the jagged coast of Cinque Terre and the Maritime Alps. Following historical military roads, rocky singletrack, and steep alpine paths, the AVML flows through ancient rural settlements, fairytale beech-woods, mighty fortifications, and breathtaking valleys. -
70 mi. / 113 km3 days
Tour des Combins
46 Dec 18 Montanus EuropeThe Tour des Combins begins at the Gran San Bernardo, a historically rich, windswept pass in the heart of the Pennine Alps. From there this three day trans-alpine loop alternates between lush valleys full of streams, marmots and majestic coniferous forests to more rugged and rocky mountainsides, where glaciers paint spectacular views of most impressive 4000 meter alpine peaks. -
31 mi. / 50 km1 days
The Bruschetta Loop, Italy
10 Aug 21 Montanus EuropeThe Bruschetta Loop is an overnighter bikepacking route in the sub-Appenninic region of central Italy along the Simbruini Mountains on the border between Abruzzo and Lazio. Doubletrack and gravel roads cross the largest beechwoods in Europe and then reach gorgeous karstic plateaus. A short ride to enjoy a mini-adventure between the valleys that have been captured in spaghetti-western films. -
12 Apr 14 Montanus / videoTramontana is the latest short film by Montanus, a bikepacking project out of Abruzzo, Italy. The film is one-half expedition and one-half introspective dreamscape. Feel the cold darkness, hear the crackle of the fire, and then learn how they made the film as well as the DIY portable woodstove that takes center stage.
108 mi. / 174 km5 days
Tour du Mont Blanc
59 Dec 12 Montanus EuropeA spectacular alpine route circling the massif of Mont Blanc — the roof of the Old Continent — and crossing the borders of Italy, France and Switzerland. Once considered a horrific place, inhabited by demons and dragons, turns out to be an incredible display of alpine beauty where sheer granite walls rise between impending glaciers, long gravelly moraines, meadows and enchanted valleys. -
240 mi. / 386 km5 days
Swamp Thing Trail: Exploring The Estonian Taiga
36 Oct 25 Montanus EuropeThere is a trail in the northeast of the old continent that crosses a medley of floodplain taiga, quicksand, swamp, meadows, bogs, and intercepts the East-Atlantic migratory path of Arctic waterfowl. This place holds a multitude of rivers and lakes that lead to the extraordinary and isolated coasts of the Baltic Sea. Welcome to the wild heart of Estonia.